Sunday, 25 August 2013

August Update!

Sorry for the lack of updates - I've been quite busy of late, and what free time I've had I can't seem to find the want to sit at the laptop for an hour to write a blog at the moment!

I didn't fish the weekend after the last blog, but since then the three matches have been pretty good. I came nowhere with 49lb on the old lake, but followed that up the week after on the same lake with a win with 73lb odd. Both times the bulk of my fish came on corn in the edge.

Last week on the new lake I was narrowly pipped for first by around 1lb, having 66lb 7oz. So I've at least been catching some fish! Thoughts of those carp in the river still occupy my mind though, but finding time to fish for them is another matter...

As the evenings edge in I imagine the updates will become more regular as I'll perhaps get time on the Sunday evening to write them after, while the info is still fresh in my mind!