Thursday, 31 October 2013

Autumn Update!

It seems an age since I last did any kind of update, and when I checked, it is!

I've had a few decent days fishing to report - a win the week before last on the new lake with 55lb odd, taken mostly on meat in the deep water. The old lake hasn't been so good for me, with just one third place in the last few matches - taken mostly in the first hour across and last thirty min in the edge - the middle part was dire!

The new lake has seen me at least having a days fishing if I've not picked up - I've had one other win off it with 85lb taken mostly in the edge. The shame of it was a walker came past with an hour to go and killed it. Just fifteen carp made up that weight, and the first three were only about 5lb in total! I also had a second off that peg the week after, beaten by 9lb for first. I lost a fish about that size at the net, and a lump last drop too! The other match that comes to mind on there was a day when I had about 12-14 smallish carp taken on meat down the track - an enjoyable days fishing for 4th with around 40lb. Three weights in a row on the total opposite side of the lake made the frame, but I enjoyed myself!

With the clocks now changed I hope to find the time again to write more detailed blogs as I did before - they may not be every week but I do want to try to get back in to it!

Tight Lines
