With the typical poor post Christmas pre New Year turnout no pegs around the island were needed, and the opposite bank was left out as there was a slight covering of ice one the water, albeit very thin. When I went into the draw bag the one peg that I didn't want, peg 68, was already gone but it was no suprise when the peg I secondly didn't want was the one that was in my hand! Peg 72 is one of the four reed pegs on the lake (all were in), but for some reason the fish seem to sit in the pegs either side! True to form, when I put my box down the reeds in 71, past the point of them to my left were heaving and there was next to no movement in my side!
Monday, 29 December 2008
Trying To End The Year On A High!
With the typical poor post Christmas pre New Year turnout no pegs around the island were needed, and the opposite bank was left out as there was a slight covering of ice one the water, albeit very thin. When I went into the draw bag the one peg that I didn't want, peg 68, was already gone but it was no suprise when the peg I secondly didn't want was the one that was in my hand! Peg 72 is one of the four reed pegs on the lake (all were in), but for some reason the fish seem to sit in the pegs either side! True to form, when I put my box down the reeds in 71, past the point of them to my left were heaving and there was next to no movement in my side!
Monday, 22 December 2008
Day Of The Unexpected
Sunday, 14 December 2008
A Change Is Good!
I put up two rigs to fish around the reeds (there are still straggly submerged ones around what is visable, plus some in the bank hidden by the tree in the pic) Both rigs were on .14 dia Garboline direct to a 16 B611 to Preston 13h Hollo elastic. The only difference was in the size of float and depth they were set to fish. Both were Preston pink's (small in-line dibbers, I find they don't catch if dragged through the reeds), a 4x8 to fish around 16in deep and a 4x10 to fish 2ft deep. Both had just one stotz down ( a 12 and an 11) and one of the same under the float. My intention was fish my side of the reeds as long as possible, pinching odd ones behind, hoping to not push the fish towards the next peg. Two rigs were put up to fish out in front (at 11m) in about 5ft 6in of water. A 4x14 Preston Chianti to fish on the deck and a 4x12 to fish half depth, both on .125 line and with 18 hooks, a 12 latex was for the deck rig and a grey hydro for the shallow rig. Just at the whistle a few fish started to knock the reeds.
Perhaps the thing that most shaped the day happend on the whistle. Up until the start there appeared to be many more fish in the reeds in the next peg (that won the Fur and Feather last week), but on the whistle he fed a large pot of bait to his reeds to the left (my side) and ignored the reeds to his left, (I only had reeds to my, left) At the whistle I only fed my long swim with corn and hemp, then dropped in on the shallowest rig with a single caster to the reeds. Instantly the float dipped and a min later a 2lb common was in the net. An hour later and nine carp were in the net, not a bad start when nobody else had caught a fish!
I knew the fish would back off, I lost my tenth fish, about twenty mins after the ninth fish, although it was hooked in the tail! The story of the rest of the match was to nobble odd fish my side of the reeds, then occasionally drop behind them (nowhere near interfeering with the next peg), but not too often so as not to push the fish away from me. The last 35 minites were fruitless after losing two fish in a row, one foulhooked and one not, but all day I only lost three carp, and finished with twenty seven. Every carp was taken on the shallowest rig, between 14-18in deep, with liners only on the deeper rig and nothing at all in the open water. Sometimes changing the depth as little as 2in would produce a fish or two from not even getting liners, it just seemed that you really had to put the bait at THAT depth to get a bite. The only bait I caught on was a single caster with the hook hidden but not totally burried. If I hooked it like a maggot I didn't get a bite. All the bites were shy 'dinks' too.
The next best anyone had managed was only two fish for just over 5lb so it was fair to say I'd won my a mile, my guess was around 80lb, not far from the mark as the fish went 82lb 7oz after three weighs. It was just one of those days when everything seemed right, including the rig. The Preston 13h seems perfect for these pegs, alot of people fish heavier in the reeds and lose alot, yet I lost just one fish that wasn't foulhooked. It seems soft enough that the fish don't bolt but has a little ooomph if you need it to pull, but most fish (I'd say twenty) were just guided away from the reeds. I have to say, it kind of made up for struggling so much last week! And to think, I nearly didn't fish this week!
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
The Ice Man Cometh!
Monday, 1 December 2008
A Good Day To Have An Ark!
Monday, 24 November 2008
Let It Snow!
Monday, 17 November 2008
Be Carefull What You Wish For!
The peg is quite wide (I'll try and get the pic up soon, my photo thingy is playing up!-update, I deleted the pic by accident! Oooops!). There is a small bay on the island, with the far bank steadily sloping up towards it. I decided to put up just two rigs to fish along the far bank, one just over 3ft deep and the other around 2ft 6in deep. It took just over 16m of pole to use the deeper rig on my side of the slope, and 17m the other side of the bay, and could just reach the shallow side of the bay next to some reeds with 17.6m of pole with the shallow rig, which I could also try over the deeper line. Both rigs were on .14dia line to a 16B611 on Preston 13h elastic. the deeper rig had a 4x12 Preston Somo float adapted to take a plastic tip, and the shallow rig was a 4x10 Preston Black in-line dibber.
On the whistle I cupped in a few casters and a couple of grains of hemp on the nearest deepr swim, I didn't want to feed further up and on the other side of the bay to start with, to give the fish somewhere to back off too, so I could hopefully rotate to keep odd fish coming. After 7 or 8 mins with a bit of corn on the hook and no bites I put on two red maggots and started to drip odd casters in with a toss-pot. The float settled and shot under and I was thinking 'here we go!', yet all that was on the end was a small perch, less than an ounce in weight. That proved to be the only sign of life for the next hour in my swim, then two ghosties cruised through my swim.
To cut a long and rater boring story short no matter what I tried, and where in the swim I tried it, nothing happend apart from an odd liner.That was until an hour before the end of the match. By this time peg 17 had just started to pack up, having not had a bite. I missed a bite on the nearest deeper swim and then had a 2lb common followed by one about 6lb next drop, both on single caster. By this time I could see one person (peg 20) with 4 carp and someone else with 2 so thought that a good last hour would give me a chance, but as soon as it had started it had stopped! The next bite gave just one tiny roach. Five mins before the end I missed a bite, then had a chunky 4lb mirror carp, then missed a bite seconds before the whistle. I have to say I was thoroughly gutted!
The match was won with 44lb from peg 33 (the peg in the corner I won from late in September) the peg to my left had 24lb for 2nd and 21lb was 3rd. My 3 carp gave me just over 13lb which was good enough for 4th. I sat and pondered the whole way home what had gone wrong, but I honestly believe I didn't have fish infront of me. Perhaps it was the rain, which felt very cold (and wasn't forecast!) but I don't know, I really don't. Two bad weeks in a row now, we can only hope for next week I guess!
Monday, 10 November 2008
Not The Best Of Days!
When I drew peg 45 on the Old Lake at Westside I was reasonably happy with the draw, after all the peg has features and is not too deep but I just had a feeling that the day was going to be hard. I had no reason to expect it as the weather had been settled and conditions were good, it was just one of those feelings.
Rig-wise I had three put up. The first was fished towards the small island on the slope leading up to it. This was in just over 3ft of water. The float was a .2gr DC6 on .14 dia line to a 16B611 to a soft 14 latex (due to the remains of a big lilly bed in the swim). I also had a rig to fish next to the remains of the lillies, the hook and line for this rig was the same as the other rig but with a larger .3gr DC6 float in around 5ft of water. Last rig was in the margins where there were a few straggly reeds in the edge in 3ft of water, float for this was a 4x12 Preston Somo with the same hook and line as the other rigs, elastic was a soft black hydro. This rig would also double up for trying shallow over the other lines. Bait-wise I had caster, corn, hemp and a few red and white maggots for the hook.
Each line was fed at the start with a pinch of bait but with no casters on the deeper line to keep any fish down (as the hemp and corn sink fast) Starting on the far line and it was awkward to see my float in the mottled light but the first half an hour gave me just one liner before a bite on double white maggot gave me a small carp of about 2lb. Absolutely nothing followed in the next hour, even trickling casters on the far line via a toss-pot failed to get a response. The angler next peg had struck at odd bites fishing to the other side of the lilly bed, then had a fish there so I decided to drop in there. An instant bite on corn produced another 2lb common but nothing else, not even a liner. Odd fish had started to top by this point but the next hour produced nothing except one missed bite on the shallow rig next to the lillies. Out of the blue an hour after the first fish next to the lillies another 2lb common finds it's way to the net.
With an hour to go and nothing else was happening, but other anglers on the opposite bank had started to catch odd fish; all of those were sat with the sun on the water, I was in the shade. I decided to get the catty out to flick a few casters to the long line while I was fishing the deeper line, as this was were I thought I had the best chance of a few fish. I had one bite next to the lillies with half an hour left which stormed strait through the lillies and I lost, though I'm almost certain it was foul-hooked. This led to me going on the long line and an instant bite on maggot gave me another 2lb common. Next drop and I was strait in again but this fish stormed towards me and into the lillies, then pulled off. After that hoards of floating leaves came through and it was practically impossible to fish.
My four carp gave me just over 9lb which was good enough for 4th, 48lb had won, from peg 48 on the end of the island. This peg is shallow on the island (2ft) and had been in the sun all day. 21lb was second (5 fish) and 13lb was 3rd (4 fish). I was left a bit peeved with the day, I got home feeling that I hadn't fished well. I'm not sure if catapulting the bait over the long line had helped or if it was just that last 30min spell you get on commercials, but I should have tried it earlier, but even then my peg wasn't good for near 50lb but I really should have framed. Never mind, always next week!
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Winter Begins.....
Monday, 27 October 2008
Another Wet Sunday!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Well, I Did Say It Last Month!
Sunday gone's match was again on lake 2, unbeknown to me untill I saw there was nobody in the lake 1 car park when I got there! still, at least it wasn't raining this week. A larger than normal presence before the draw convinced me of one thing, I didn't want to draw a peg around the back of the island, as pegging would be a little tight (o.k, nowhere near as bad as alot of other commercials, but when you get used to having the room). Needless to say, I wasn't the happiest when I drew peg 57, dead smack in the middle around the back of the island, a peg that I've had a couple of times before. My preveous experiance of the peg was the same on both occasions, a good first hour, next to nothing in the middle and a decent last hour. However, the next peg (59, 58 isn't used in matches) has never been in when I've drawn it, but I had noticed, as have many others, that it doesn't fish when 59 is in as it seems to stop any fish coming around the island, so I wasn't filled with optimism.
I had one line at 14.5m to the island at about 11 o'clock, about 2ft short of the island in just under 3ft of water, after that I thought it was too shallow for the time of year at about 18in. The middle is a afir bit deeper here than where I was the previous week so I fished at 13m at 1 o'clock to where it had just sarted to shallow up from the deepest point. Here I had about 6ft, slightly more than I wanted but I didn't want to go too near the other line. Last rig was a margin line, this was awkard to find as it's very shallow in tight, on quite a steep slope but eventually I found an area a bit more managable in about 4ft of water. Line on all rigs was 0.16dia Garboline and size 16 hooks on all, while elastics were a Preston 15h for across and 14 latex for the other 2 lines. Bait was the usuall corn, pellet and hemp.
To cut a long and quite boring story short, apart from 1 foul hooker across in the first hour it was as dead as can be, apart from the odd tiny (half ounce!) roack on pellet, and one huge in comparision (2oz!) carp on corn. There just wearnt any carp there, no liners, nothing, and it was no better for the other 4 anglers I could see either, 2 of them having smallish carp (well, at around 2lb huge compared to the one I'd had) and the other 2 without. That was untill the last hour when 59 next door had a run of about 6 fish down the middle on cat meat for 13lb odd. I managed one bite down the track, with half an hour to go and managed to land a carp of about 6lb, hooked in the belly!
I have to say I expected a struggle, but knew I was in for it after the fishless first hour, I never even saw a carp cruise through my peg untill 2pm, something that is very unusuall! It wasn't all famine though, 70lb odd won the match, and the golden peg, from the open water, and there were a few other reasonable weights too. I'd like to say 'ahh well, there's always next week' but there isn't as I'm going to be away so unable to fish, doh! The clock's will have gone back then, a depressing thought, I hope the shorter matches and days bring a bit more action!
Monday, 6 October 2008
It Wasn't Just Wet In The Water!

Sunday, 28 September 2008
Brrr! Winters On It's Way!
Monday, 22 September 2008
Why Do These People Do It?
The venue is quite a way out of the town (I'm near the centre) and so is usually a degree or two cooler so a gentle start would be required before the fishing hopefully picked up with the temperature. On the way to the venue the usual chat about what peg was in full swing, and one of the numbers I didn't want was 45, a peg that has a good track record (won the last match with 70+lb) and nearly always has alot of fish in it. However, I don't like fishing against lilly pads for carp and it's a curse drawing the form peg anyway!
At the venue it was obvious it had been a chilly night, the grass was thick with dew and it was very chilly in the shade. Pools paid, into the usual place three quaters of the way down the que my hand goes in the bag and out comes 45! At the peg and it does look nice, a big lilly bed infront and a small island between the me and the peg to my left. The main thing that botherd me at this point however was the angler on the peg to my left, who'm at the draw made no secret of the amount of catmeat he had with him, not really what you want after the coldest night for near 6months....
A nice 3ft at 14m next to the small island and the same depth to my right margin against the foliage made things easy. One rig on .18 line, a .2gr DC5 to a 13B711 and a 16 latex would do for both. A shallow rig for both lines was set up, at half depth using a PB2 float on the same line and hook but with a soft purple hydro. Last rig was for the lillies, these had been producing alot of fish shallow close to them but tends to be very hit and heave, not how I like to fish, but I was told the last match was won fishing to the corner of the small island, however they couldn't be ignored so a shallow rig using a blob float on .20 line and tight purple hydro was set up for here, but I didn't want to use it!
At the all in I decided to take it easy with the feed after the cold night, twenty 4mm pellet and half a dozen grains of corn to the island, then half a dozen 6mm cubes of meat, same of corn plus a reasonable pinch of hemp found it's way down the edge. A 6mm pellet on the hook and out the island we go. Thirty seconds later and back in as the hoards of micro carp had demolished the pellet! out with a grain of corn and a min later float burries and away we go. A min later a 3lb common is in the net, a nice start, but then the day possibly took a turn for the worse! The angler next peg was late starting and at this point a large pole cup full of catmeat went to the lillies between us, followed by 3 more! then a huge pot of meat went to the corner of the island, AAAARRRRGGGH! Needless to say all indications stopped for about 10 min before a crucian of about a pound made it's way in but again nothing followed. After half an hour I decided to start to drip in half a dozen pellets every 6-7mins to try and provoke a response, and after 45min the float burried and what was obviously a lump was on, but as I'd lifted towards the island and lillies it had ran out to the open, and after 4-5mins it rolled on the top and revealed it's self to be one of the huge ghosties in the lake, definatly a double and probably 12lb+, however at this point a problem manifested, the tree's around my peg! I couldn't lift the pole behind me (only the top kit and short 4) to get the fishes head up and over the net and after another couple of minites the hook pulled. Damn (or words to that effect!)
The loss of that fish signalled the death of my swim, not that I could see anyone else catching either mind. Two small carp quick after 3 hours, after I upped the feed gave me hope but again nothing after. The margin was dead and even the lillies seemed lifeless, just odd fish cruising about in the open. I couldn't get a bite anywhere in the swim on any rig, not even an indication, totally lifeless. The angler to my left had only one foul hooker and to my right nothing. The only people I could see catching where those opposite in the open water who were getting odd fish by just sitting in the open water and feeding barely a thing, not a good sign for me after what had gone in nearby! Two more small carp at the death gave me a 15lb 11oz total at the weigh in, good enough for 4th, 48lb won, with another 40+ weight came from the bank opposite, with a 25lb weight for 3rd from the back of the main island.
All in all a frustrating day, I'm sure the peg would have been good for a couple more fish had so much bait not gone in next peg (he fed right at the limit of where he could towards me too!) and also losing that big ghostie which I'm sure given room to play it properly I'd have had in the net before the hook pulled, which would have given me 3rd. Oh well, at least it had been a nice day for two Sundays in a row, a bit rare this year, and there's always next week!
Monday, 15 September 2008
Not a bad blog start!
Well, for the first time in a couple of weeks the weather held out nice on a Sunday, it's mid September and I'm actually celebrating that fact, that can't be good, but that's the great British summer hey!
Today I drew peg 23 on lake 1 at Westside, a peg I've drawn a couple of times before (well, twice) I've had a second and a third off the peg, both times only narrowly missing out on first. I was quite happy with my draw as pre-match when asked I did say I wanted to be in the 20's. The peg is one off the two that were in the match where you can't reach the island with the pole, sitting as it is just on the corner of the island, with the far bank probably 25m away. To my left was a small weedy bay which looked very fishy but the previous times I've drawn it has produced only a quick run of fish before it fades out.
It was quite a warm sunny morning and on previous matches 40lb+ has been needed to frame so that was the sort of weight I was expecting to be needed to win. To fish the island I set up my Drennean 10ft puddle chucker, coupled with a small Daiwa front drag reel and 8lb pro gold main line. On this I was going to fish a method feeder using a small Kobra method feeder loaded with 3mm green swim-stimm pellets and alternating hair rigged pellets (6 and 8mm s-pellets) or corn on a .20 Garboline hooklength t0 a 16 Kamasan animal. For a margin swim I used approx 14m of my Garbolino Superlegion to fish to my left hand bank, behind the lillies and a big weed bed which I knew was in the swim. (I'd lost 4-5 carp in the weed about 6 weeks ago when I last drew that peg). The pole gear consisted of a .3gr DC6 float on .18 Garboline to a 13B711 hook and using a 16 latex elastic in around 3ft of water. I also set up a shorter version of the same rig to use fishing shallow over the same line and to push further up the shelf if I wanted to try that. Bait for the pole was meat (feeding 6mm with 8-10mm cubes for the hook) and corn, feeding both with hemp.
At the start the margin swim got approx 20 pieces of corn and meat plus a small hand full of hemp, totalling half a small cup of bait in total, topping up with the same every half hour. The method was then loaded up and the first cast dropped woefully short of the island, despite me being clipped up, as did the second! a bit out of practice methinks! eventually I got into the swing of things, though still not getting quite a close to the island as I wanted, I expected bites to come pretty quickly, even from small 'pasty' carp. Well, an hour and a quarter in all I had to show was 2 liners and some silly small fish nudges to show. A quick try on the pole, earlier than I wanted, produced just a single liner that encouraged me to give it a few more minutes than I intended. Back on the method and I was starting to get a little worried, though I'd only seen one small carp caught a few pegs down (straight in front of me as I looked)
A hour and 40min in and a sharp pull and a stonking drop back had me grabbing the rod and resulted in me having a puzzled look as nothing was on the end! A few fish were cruising now so it was not like nothing was in front of me, yet I couldn't catch. I expected a slow start due to the cooler autumnal nights but it was worse than I thought. At quarter to midday, just as I was reaching for my radio to listen to the footie chat on Talksport (I was getting bored!) the tip wrenched round and I actually had a fish, whoooey! A very slow and sluggish fight, almost bream like but very heavy resulted in me lifting the rod as I went to net the dead weight and a big orange 'carrot' folding into the net. Now, I've been a regular at Westside for about 18 months but it was the first time I've caught Rusty, a bright orange koi that goes just over 9lb in weight normally, not a bad start, even near 2hr in when everyone else was catching little.
Half an hour later and it was looking a false dawn, with just one liner and one lost fish, although I'm sure I'd just cast over the back of it, as it was an instant bite but it never felt right for the few seconds it was on. Then, just as I was looking at a spitfire overhead chasing a messerschmit 109 (perhaps dodgy spelling!, but Duxford airfield is nearby so a fairly common sight) my tip rod was nearly dragged into the lake, and after a short spirited fight a small 2lb common found its way into the net, Next cast resulted in a rake of liners and the following cast gave a 3lb common and things had just started to get interesting. Two casts with no interest later and it's time to try the pole. Two silly liners later on meat prompted me to try corn and the two drops in saw two carp for about 5lb find their way into the net, then biteless spell prompted a return to the tip.
A half hour biteless spell back on the tip saw me abandon that and get a quick 2lb'er on the pole then nothing again so decided to try upping the feed on the pole (a whole cup of meat, hemp and corn every 30min instead of half). I'd still seen little else caught so was quite happy with things, but more so when a return to the method, trying corn instead of pellet gave 2 quick 3lb'ers followed by a fish of about 7-8lb which I lost at the net trying to keep it's head up over the weed in the edge, Damn! This gave rise to another biteless hour on the tip and pole, though I was at worst keeping pace with the best of the 4 others I could see. With the pole line dead (I'd tried shallow and further up the shelf with no response) I decided to persevere with the tip where I was still getting an odd liner, a decision which paid off as in an hour my fish tally found it's way up to 14 carp, mostly to corn but all on the method. A quick try on the pole in the dying moments saw two missed bites but I already knew I was way ahead of anyone I could see.
By the time the scales got to me 18lb 12oz was top weight, my two weighs gave me 58lb 1oz and with nobody else admitting to more than 6 carp it was obvious that I'd won. Second and third place ended very close, with two of the pegs further down weighing in 21lb 12oz and 21lb 8oz but with a few people not bothering to weigh in it had been hard for a lot of people. Not a bad start to my blog, something which the seemed to curse my fishing last time I did!
Friday, 12 September 2008
The fishery has two lakes, the New Lake (or lake 1) and the Old Lake (lake 2), I will try and put some pictures up, but I only have a camera phone so I apologise for the quality of them now! Both lakes are nice and mature, as far away as you could get from some muddy holes infact. Lake 1 is kinda doughnut shaped, but with a couple of wider pegs where you can't reach with the pole. Most pegs prob need around 16m to fish across, except peg 11 which is about 11m wide, but I never draw it! It's the more mixed lake of the two, with a fair head of silvers and crucians and an odd tench. It is however carp that are needed to win, going from a few ounces upto double figure munters, and there are a few of those!
Lake 2 is a long triangle shape, with an island at the wide end. It's generally more coloured than lake 1, and is predominantly carp, but there are a few crucians and silvers. This year there have been alot of 'nuisence' baby carp, a pain now but great for a couple of years time. The average stamp is probably just over 3lb, but again there are a fair few double figure beastie's, including some whopping great big ghosties!
I think that this Sunday the match is on lake 1 (they tend to be alternated for the opens, unless a club has booked one), and my last 2 matches on there I've done well, winning with 54lb 8oz to pellet across and then being ounced into 3rd with 46lb odd fishing mostely meat in the margins. Anyhow, I'd hope to have a good day but either way the result will be up here for all to see!