Monday 29 April 2013

Sunday 28th April

It's hard to try and keep a blog updated at the best of times, but when you're not catching a lot it's actually even harder - nobody wants to revisit a hard or bad day. For that reason, this is going to be another brief update!

Typically for a Sunday of late, the morning bought quite a sharp frost (it had dropped to -2 overnight). Walking round the lake showed a lot of fish moving in the open water, but yet again my drawing hand disappointed me and plucked out peg 51 - just along from where I was two weeks ago, and where I seem to have spent the best part of the winter sitting!

I did hope that as it's the shallowest part of the lake a few fish would move in there as they did a fortnight ago, but it wasn't to be. I caught some small carp on the long pole and meat against the island early (palm sized fish), but then the wind got up, the cloud increased and the day seemed to get cooler. I picked up a few decent roach on closer lines, but even when the wind allowed I couldn't get bites across. In the end I admitted defeat and actually started packing away early - unusual for me but in all honesty I was fed up.

The weather is set to pick up a bit during the week, so hopefully the fish will spread out a touch more in time for the pairs match on May Bank Holiday, which is the next time I'll be out. I do have a plan - I'm going to do my best to get my partner to draw this time!

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