Tuesday 23 April 2013

Sunday April 21st

Sorry for the late update, and it'll only be a brief one!

Despite the weather being on the up, typically Sunday morning greeted us with quite a sharp frost. This was followed by a bright sunny day - not great conditions for fishing.

I drew peg 31 on the new lake, which is a very hit-and-miss peg, and more often miss! I struggled for a few small perch off it for a dnw but the lake on the whole fished hard. Just 28lb was good enough for the win, with 9lb and 7lb making up the rest of the frame. There were plenty of fish seen by all, but they were simply in the upper layers warming up.

Perhaps struggling with a trapped nerve in my shoulder all week should have been enough to tell me to stay at home, but with the sun out it wasn't a bad day out considering what we've had over the last few months!

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